
Vedic Math

Vedic Mathematics is the name given to the ancient system of Indian Mathematics which was rediscovered from the Vedas between 1911 and 1918 by Sri Bharati Krsna Tirthaji (1884-1960). According to his research, all of the mathematics is based on sixteen Sutras or word-formulae. For example, ‘Vertically and Crosswise` is one of these Sutras. These formulae describe the way the mind naturally works and are therefore a great help in directing the student to the appropriate method of solution.

Perhaps the most striking feature of the Vedic system is its coherence. Instead of a hotch-potch of unrelated techniques, the whole system is beautifully interrelated and unified: the general multiplication method, for example, is easily reversed to allow one-line divisions and the simple squaring method can be reversed to give one-line square roots. And these are all easily understood. This unifying quality is very satisfying, it makes mathematics easy and enjoyable and encourages innovation.

In the Vedic system, ‘difficult’ problems or huge sums can often be solved immediately by the Vedic method. These striking and beautiful methods are just a part of a complete system of mathematics which is far more systematic than the modern ‘system’. Vedic Mathematics manifests the coherent and unified structure of mathematics and the methods are complementary, direct and easy.

Vedic Math Service

Vedic mathematics is simple enough that calculations can be performed mentally (though written methods are also possible). The use of an adaptable mental system has several benefits. Students are not restricted to the one “correct” approach; they are free to create their own. More imaginative, engaged, and intellectual students result from this.

The Vedic system is gaining popularity in education as more math teachers search for a better method and discover that the Vedic system provides it. Numerous topics are being researched, such as how teaching children Vedic maths affects them and how to create new, powerful, yet simple applications of the Vedic Sutras in geometry, calculus, computing, etc.

However, one cannot fully appreciate Vedic Mathematics’ true beauty and efficacy without putting the system into actual practice. Then, it becomes evident that this may be the most sophisticated and effective mathematical system available.